lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

the beginning of the new style.

today is going to pass to  hystory like the beginning of the new style.
the name of this style is hypercubism, or de-cubism ,or de-cubism.
this style is based on the relationchip among the senses of our body.
sinesthesys-surrealism-hiperealism-and all vanguardsm are several  ways that the artist is going to use to create art.
the creation of an art-work have to be very quickly .the act of creation have to last no more than 10 minutes.
the artist can use many ways to do so.More than that time is ornament and it is uncessesary.
0ne thing is the creation-performance and another is the time that is necessary to think about this art-work.

correcction: sorry,but... i dont understand because the act of creacion.for now and ever i am going to call the fornication act , have to last no more than ten minutes.

2 comentarios:

  1. i have son..i have a son.
    i beat inside the coffin but it i not a son his name is the city...maybe i am late for the of them have to be the front door holly dance i have a deal and the respojsability for transportation.
    i have i son .ihbet for him in the end of the coffing but he is not my son.her long hear is dead..o my lord i tuink all the prisions walls seem to be fallen in the end of the night..please came is enought.long and far in the river. it was sntiagos nigth and i dont say a word because my behavior is like i am a proper gypsy..beliving she was a mayden but she already had a husband very far from the horyzons of dogs.

  2. i was wondering if it is my art's blood and the flesh of my fless.
